Friday, April 16, 2010

Farmer viewpoint

He says, she says. 

Like most couples, my farmer husband and I often see things from a different point of view.

Farmer: This is a plowed field, waiting to be planted.

Missus: It looks like a field full of cocoa powder – or better yet, cocoa powder mixed with icing sugar, ready to be made into chocolate icing.

 Farmer: This is a cement mixer.

Missus: With the right sterile insert, this gadget could make a BIG batch of cookies.

 Farmer: This is an empty greenhouse table.

 Missus: This is where I would put the big batch of cookies to cool, of course.

Farmer: Perfect, just the way he is.

Missus: Diet. Day Two.


  1. Amazing how our perspectives are so differnt..Yours is definately in line with the way I see things!

  2. Thanks for appreciating my everything-reminds-me-of-cookies point of view!

  3. SUCH a cute post!! :) This made me smile. Thanks so much for the visit yesterday and your kind comment!

  4. Thanks Amanda! And thanks for all your work on the blog party.


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